I’m Their Second Mother

I recently came across a piece by Sara Hagerty on the Better Mom website. This paragraph stood out in particular for me:

I share them with women whose secret moments of love, whose hidden outpourings of sacrifice, will never be “liked” or tagged or even remembered, by anyone on this side of heaven. I share them with women whose bodies formed and sustained my children and whose ears heard that groggy infant-cry that broke the air outside the womb.

It is beautifully written and ends with a reminder that we are stewards of all the children God gives us and that ultimately they belong to Him.

You can read the whole post here.

How can I train and correct Biblically?

Having a 3+ year old that challenges all boundaries and authority is exhausting! There are many days that go by that we wonder what we are doing wrong and how we can instruct and correct our child better. I found The Better Mom website a couple of weeks ago and I’ve been so encouraged by its content and the very good topical posts relating to marriage and child rearing. All the contributors are mature God-loving women and I am grateful for today’s technology that makes information like this readily available.

One specific post that I found very helpful this week was by Kara Chupp – Using God’s Word to Correct in Your Family. I found this very inspiring but also convicting – I am definitely not using God’s Word to instruct and train my young ones as I should. She shared a link to the Child Training Bible – what a brilliant concept! I am definitely going to get this for our home.  This is a quick-reference tool that can be put into any Bible. It covers 20 key areas of behaviour  with tabs to the relevant verses in the Bible dealing with these specific issues. When instructing and disciplining the idea is to go with your child to the relevant verses and study it together – in God’s Word.

Child Training Bible 2

Child Training Bible1


I do believe that going back to the Bible and using God’s Word as the primary “instruction manual” to child-rearing is important. This way we can ground our discipline in what God teaches and point our children to the transforming power of the Gospel, which ultimately is the only power that can change hearts!

“You shall teach them diligently to your children, 
and shall talk of them when you sit in your house, 
and when you walk by the way, 
and when you lie down, 
and when you rise.”
Deuteronomy 6:7