Wednesday Wisdom 03/06/2015

“No man hath a right to claim God as his Father, unless he feeleth in his soul, and believeth, solemnly, through the faith of God’s election, that he has been adopted into the one family of which is in heaven and earth, and that he has been regenerated or born again.”

Charles Spurgeon

Wednesday Wisdom 22/01/2014

“Each day you wake up to a home filled with color and diversity is a day you wake up reflecting the last day. The last day when all tongues and tribes will be worshipping as one. You get a small glimpse into heaven. And if you have other children, they, too, get to experience firsthand the beauty and majesty of God’s creativity. “

Trillia Newbell

* This is an excerpt taken from an article “Do I Have What It Takes To Raise An African Child?” published on The Gospel Coalition. You can read the whole article here.