Wednesday Wisdom 23/9/2015

“For me, adoption has helped me both as an individual Christian and as a pastor. Until I became a father to adopted children and was able to look at my children and know these are as much my children as those children who are related to me biologically, until that moment I wasn’t able to fully understand and grasp what it means to be a child of God, because we are his children by adoption. When you understand adoption, you get that. We are his children. And he is not going anywhere. Adoption is about the gospel.”

Voddie Baucham

Wednesday Wisdom 16/9/2015

“We didn’t choose transracial adoption to be special. We didn’t do it to save a child. What we chose was to be a family. We know that our family doesn’t look like everyone else’s. We know that might not always be easy for our kids. But we chose to be a family and chose to love each other dearly and go through everything together hand-in-hand.”

Fatherless to Fatherfull – Brilliant!!

I only recently came across this video clip that was intended for Father’s Day. I cried and laughed simultaneously. Absolutely beautiful, and might I say the kids are just too cute.

PS – check out their other video clips as well, especially this one regarding Easter!